Does your ring fit right some days, tight some days and loose on some other days? And How to find your Ring Size at home?
Left: Ganga ring Right: Mumbai Butterfly (Coming soon in the 'Made to Order' page)
Ok so first of all, Everyone’s fingers change size!
Sometimes even though you have had your fingers measured at a jewelry store, they seem to go up and down! Well, its not like your ring would fall off or anything, but you get the point! So, I’m here to tell you that, that is completely normal. And that on those days, simply remove it and wear it on different fingers or wear another Ring that probably is fitting you better at that time.
Some of us to have our finger sizes change a little during the year. Honestly, Rings don’t always fit perfectly for anyone. I think it’s something to do with the weather (summer and winter), eating certain foods and also the activities we do (and sometimes do not do) with our hands! Apparently, our fingers constantly change throughout the year and even throughout the day.
Also, did you know, that for most of us, fingers on our right hand are about half a size bigger than our fingers on our left hand!?!

So if you're looking for a ring for one of your big days like if your going to be wearing a ring for the first time (like an engagement ring or a wedding band) you are in for a surprise and probably have no idea how much your fingers change in size. Don’t freak out though, just know that this is normal. What you could do is, check your size several times and under different circumstances like at different parts of the day, at the end of the day, after you have worked out and after a night out.

Tip: Your fingers are the most normal during the day (between lunch and dinner) or at the end of the day (evenings).
Now some rings, due to its construction maybe a whole size bigger than your actual ring size. This, however, will be/ should be stated to you by your jeweler. The wider the ring (7mm or more), the larger the size of the ring. For stacking rings the band of the rings especially at the back is important. If they are thin then this won’t be a problem and will not make a difference. If it’s not thin then you might want to consider sizing up slightly.
Rings with a Big top design will be slightly more difficult to remove than a regular thin band ring. For some people, this doesn’t matter but for some, they like to go up a 1/4 size. The larger the ring, the more it will spin around (this is also normal). Below is an example of a Big Top Ring Design

How to find your Ring Size at home?
There are ways to do so. You could go to a Jewelry store, try on some rings and make a note of your ring sizes for different fingers. There is this below example of a ring sizer that you can use to determine your ring size or you could do it the old fashioned way of measuring and determining your ring size.
The plastic of metal ring sizers sometimes vary from brand to brand and jewelers size rings on a metal mandrel which at times is slightly different from these metal or plastic ring sizers. Hence, it’s always better to get a plastic ring sizer from the jeweler you intend to buy the ring from since they will be aware of the differences if any, and will make a ring according to the ring size you have provided, keeping the differences in mind.

Always remember that the ring size should be just large enough to go over your knuckle and fit snug and comfortably where you want it to, so it doesn’t fall off. The ring that you can wear comfortably during the day without tightening or slipping from your finger is the right choice of size.
If in doubt, order a Ring size that is smaller because most mistakes are made by ordering a ring size that is larger than smaller.

Ok now let’s see how to measure your ring size at home. After all, we don’t want to receive a ring that is not our size! This guide will help you figure out your perfect ring size for any finger so you can feel confident in buying any or all the handmade rings you desire!
- Take a string, fine ribbon or paper and a ruler.
- Now take the string or fine ribbon like organza or satin or strip of paper and wrap it around the base of the finger you want to buy a ring for. It shouldn’t be too tight or loose. Your dominant hand will have different sizes in comparison to your other hand so measure your fingers individually and do not assume that both your index or any other finger will be the same size on both your hands.
- Mark with a gel pen or finest tip sharpie (0.8mm) where the string, ribbon or paper first overlaps. A friend or partner would help a lot at this stage. Do this 3 or 4 times with separate strings, ribbons and paper so you can compare and get the right result. You could also use a ring that fits you well on your desired finger to determine the size by measuring the inner diameter.
- Now lay the string, ribbon or paper on a sheet of paper or table and take your ruler and measure the marking. Double check your measurement marking. Make a note of the exact measurement. For example if the measurement is 4.6cms then write it down as just that and do not round it up to 5 cms or anything like that because this is going to be used to determine your exact ring size and hence, needs to be exact.
- Now refer to my below US Ring Sizing Chart

Once you find your perfect ring size, you can take a look at all the Rings I have in my shop. Some are a fixed size and some can be Made to Order (these will have the letters MTO in the title) with your exact ring size. We offer FREE SHIPPING without tracking (and with Tracking for all orders over $75 USD) all across USA and Canada!
You could also shop my Plastic Ring Sizer and get a $25 Gift Card that you could use towards any of my jewelry.